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Building Soft Skills in Procurement Part 2

Building Soft Skills in Procurement Part 2

Wednesday 2nd August 2017

Strategic procurement and logical thinking

Individuals who possess strategic and logical thinking as part of their working procedure have the innate ability to plan effectively, aligning their own aspirations and goals with that of the organisation. They help give clear direction for managers, outline longer term planning, and identify risk and opportunities (supply chain and risk analysis).

Effective communication

The ability to communicate across all levels is key to a successful procurement professional. Effectiveness in communication also means trust. Do your stakeholders trust you can maintain and deliver? Individuals who remain calm in emotional situations earn trust and can be relied upon. Communication goes beyond speaking, it is essential the individual can listen and interpret these requirements before ultimately executing them.

Understanding emotional and behavioural cues (body language in negotiation scenario.)

"Before walking into a negotiation, the team must be fully aligned on the strategy and needs to have rehearsed messages - and act as a team with production and others."

(C.Schur et al 2012:56)

Being able to understand the emotional and behavioural reactions of your supplier is paramount to the building of a soft skill set. It isn't only achieving what is expected within the negotiation (standard year on year reductions, longer payment terms etc) - it is taking it above and beyond by negating negative responses and applying techniques such as tactical empathy to build a professional affinity. This is a high-pressured environment, especially if the individual's objectives are measured against the organisational saving structure, many of the other soft skill set come into play during negotiations.